How do web frameworks work?

Web frameworks work

Websites, and applications, have become an integral part of any business in the existing world to create a strong online presence. In order to attract users, gain infinite leads, and build successful sales funnel one must focus on creating unique and intuitive websites, web applications, etc. Web frameworks come to your assistance to develop such web applications and websites. In this blog, we will know how web frameworks work. But before we come to how web frameworks work let’s have a quick overview of what web frameworks are.

What are web frameworks?

Web frameworks are simple software frameworks designed to develop web applications, websites, web APIs (Application Programming Interface), and web resources. Web frameworks help them run smoothly without any probable flaws and miscalculations. Previously even changing the structure of a web application was only in the hands of a web developer as end-hand coding. But nowadays we have web-specific languages. You are free to choose any web framework based on your tasks that fulfills all your requirements by converging multiple frameworks. We focus more On how web frameworks work in an earlier section.

Do web frameworks work

Web application Frameworks: Working

Let’s now focus on how web frameworks work.

With the advancement in web standards, the prime focus shifted from app logic toward the client., which ensures smarter communication between the web applications and the user. With logic on client-side web apps became more responsive and easily navigable. Thus there are two types of web frameworks: server-side and client-side – a) working on the app logic; the server-side web framework is called backend framework or b)working on the client-side web framework is called front end framework. 

One more thing I would like to suggest to you is that if you are facing difficulty to understand the above terms then you look at How Website Work.

Let’s now discuss what these two types of frameworks are and how web frameworks work!

The client-side web framework regulates the external part of the website, deals with the user interface, and appears as soon as a user opens an application The server-side web framework regulates the internal part, ensuring the smooth functioning of the website. Let’s know more about their workings:

Based on Server-Side: Server-side or back-end frameworks deal with the background functioning of the sites. Its architecture allows you to create well-developed web applications using a wider range of functionalities. The functions of server-side technologies include database management, security, URL routing, and mapping, handling of HTTP requests, designing site architecture, etc. 

Server-side rendering improves the user interface by speeding up page load times, increasing your page’s rank in the Google search results. Thus it simplifies the developmental process and improves security and output data. We use several server-side programming languages to create server-side scripting to design websites producing customized responses for each user’s requests for the website. 

Some of the best server-side web frameworks that use the best server-side programming languages are:

  1. Ruby on Rails (Ruby)
  2. Django (Python)
  3. Laravel (PHP)
  4. NET (C#)
  5. Express (JavaScript/Node.JS)
  6. Vue.js (JavaScript)

Based on Client-Side: Client-side web framework or front-end web framework is the part of the website that is visible to the users. Client-side rendering involves rending content in the browser using JavaScript. Front end web framework workings involve creating reusable templates, UI-UX designing, SEO optimization improving performance and scalability. Some famous Client-side programming languages are HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, etc.

The best client-side web frameworks are:

  1. Angular (JavaScript)
  2. Vue.js (JavaScript)
  3. Ember (JavaScript)
  4. React (Javascript)
  5. Bootstrap (Javascript)
Application framework Architecture

Web application Frameworks: Architecture

To know more about how web frameworks work, we must know about the architecture of web frameworks. The architecture of the web framework states the relationship between the different components of the framework. There are various architectures such as Model View Controller, Model-View-View Model (MVVM), Push-based vs Pull-based, Three-tier Organisation, which decide how the various layers of a framework would interact with one another. 

The MVC architecture comprises three essential parts Model, View, and Controller that separate app logic from the interface.

  • Model: The model consists of every data, business logic layer, and its guidelines, and directly manages the rules of the application. It suggests how an updated interface should be displayed directly to the view after getting user input data from the Controller.
  • View: View refers to the graphical representation of the information through charts, graphs, tables, etc. after getting the user input it seeks the Controller’s help to examine the type of data and is modified according to the Model’s instructions.
  • Controller: It accepts the inputs and converts them to commands for the view or model. It acts as a midway between the Model and the View. 
Web Frameworks work Model

Final Verdict

From the above discussion, we have got an idea about how a web framework works and how crucial it is in the process of software development. You can speed up your web development process using popular web development frameworks. You may also use web development tools to make this process smooth and faster. But are you concerned about the fact that among all the renowned web frameworks which one will be the best for your website?

Clickites is your solution. Our team of expert developers at Clickites focuses mainly on your business requirements and will help you find the ultimate web framework, helping you to gain higher traffic rates on your website. 

Hurry Up, Contact us Now!

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