What is Organic Marketing?

What is Organic Marketing?

Organic Marketing uses natural, authentic, and value-based techniques to increase traffic and awareness. Instead of using sponsored articles or paid advertising, your organic digital marketing strategy builds business over time. Organic marketing encompasses everything you don’t directly spend money on, such as:

  • Social media posts that are both organic and unpaid
  • Posts on the blog
  • Posts by visitors
  • Content created by users
  • Email newsletters
  • SEM (Search engine marketing)
  • SEO (Search engine optimization)

What is Organic Search Marketing?

One thing to keep in mind is that “organic in digital marketing” does not imply that you haven’t spent any money. Your marketing strategy and management software are still costing you money. You’re not boosting or paying for a specific piece of content if it’s organic. A six-part series on marketing strategy is included in The Secrets to Selling Your Ecommerce Brand. The sixth installment of the series discusses organic social media and how you should spend your time in 2020. It’s all about developing plans and determining which social media sites are best for your company.

What is Organic Digital Marketing?

Tools for Organic Digital Marketing

Many organizations group marketing together as one huge category, however, it may be divided into paid and organic marketing. While sponsored and organic marketing can complement each other, it’s important to know the differences. This way, you’ll be able to make the most of both.

To establish your brand voice, raise brand awareness, and organically communicate with your audience, it’s preferable to use organic marketing. Potential members will find your business through organic marketing, which includes your weekly blog or YouTube video, search engines, and social media. In the end, you’re creating a real brand that your audience wants to return to regularly. The focus is on obtaining and maintaining members with high authority and value. You’re not just trying to increase gym membership sales; you’re also trying to engage your audience.

Paid marketing, on the other hand, is all about swiftly and effectively identifying, reaching, and connecting with your target audience. You don’t have to wait for someone to stumble onto your latest blog post or read your latest tweet. Paid marketing entails “pushing” content, primarily through paid and sponsored advertisements. Paid marketing seeks to persuade individuals to do specific actions, such as making a purchase or enrolling in a virtual training session. Not every business has the financial means to invest heavily in sponsored advertising.

Organic marketing, on the other hand, is something that every business should embrace since it may help you develop a genuine connection with your customers.

Trust and Brand Authority

You can’t purchase your member’s trust, no matter how much money you put into it. It takes time to earn someone’s trust. Consumers are aware when they are viewing a paid advertisement, which can influence their trust. The top Google ads receive around 2% of all clicks, whereas the top organic placement might receive over 20 times that. It takes a long time to rank organically on Google, whereas it merely takes minutes to pay for an ad to appear on Google. Organic marketing, such as organic SEO, is more economical and gives long-term benefits, thus it is a better value.

Goals and values should be communicated

Organic marketing allows you to showcase your personality while also communicating your goals and your values. People are drawn to your services or products because of your personality. They may have joined the gym to get in shape, but they stay because they believe in your aims, values, and the services you provide.

Provide value instead of pushing product and event advertising to enhance word-of-mouth marketing. Your members will understand your business goal and why you started in the first place if you have shared values with them. Organic marketing on social media will help promote your company’s values, installing confidence and trust in your company.

Create an Authentic and Genuine Audience

Role of Audience in Marketing

Top 10 Obstacles to Growing Your Fitness Business Effective with Customer Engagement Tool. Your organic marketing plan can be used as a tool to engage customers. You’re interacting and creating relationships with your audience when you actively engage with users and put out relevant material. Engagement with gym members is important for retention, but now that everything is done online, you must continue to communicate with members. Organic marketing can be a valuable technique for encouraging regular involvement, which helps your company in the long run.

Content should be optimized for both search engines and social media

Let’s face it: certain types of content perform better on certain social media platforms. Video is popular on Facebook, while a compelling quotation and gorgeous image are popular on Instagram, and thought leadership content is best shared on Twitter. You can optimize content for both search engines and social media using your organic strategy. You can make the most of the content you’re sharing by matching it with each platform type. Hosting a fast Facebook Live-home workout, for example, would be a nice match if you know Facebook is the place for video.


While pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is an excellent way to promote your business and services in front of as many people as possible, it can quickly become costly. Organic marketing, on the other hand, is a cost-effective strategy to enhance interaction and raise exposure with the best digital marketing specialists company.

Rather than paying to have your marketing materials distributed, you’re investing your time. You’re producing excellent material that will naturally attract viewers and users. It’s critical to stay engaged with your members and promote your brand during this period of uncertainty. However, cash flow and budget constraints may force you to cut back on your marketing spending. Organic marketing is a terrific approach to keep expenditures low while yet developing.

Increases the amount of traffic to your website

They will engage with you if you present them with helpful information that they care about. When done correctly, things like improving blog material and web pages for SEO can significantly increase traffic. Implementing an organic marketing plan will not magically raise your website traffic.

Organically delivering that kind of performance takes time. An effective organic marketing plan, on the other hand, can generate persistent and long-term site traffic. Multiple aspects of your plan, such as SEO-optimized web pages, blog entries, unpaid guest articles on fitness industry sites, and social media updates, all link back to your website to drive traffic.

Organic Marketing Strategies to Help You Succeed

Organic marketing, while taking more time, can help you increase audience engagement, build genuine connections, and grow your brand. Here are four recommendations to get you started with an organic marketing approach, which is a very cost-effective choice.

Post Content That Is Evergreen

It’s critical to produce evergreen content on your company blog and social media platforms. Evergreen posts are pieces of information that are still relevant after a long period. There is no time limit on them. No matter what time of day it is, the content remains new and relevant for the reader. The material should be useful for days, weeks, and months after it is first provided. Consider creating high-quality, entertaining, and engaging material.

In this blog post, we go deeper into the idea of content marketing as a tool for naturally growing your brand. We explain why you should invest in content marketing, the top content marketing platforms, and how to approach your content marketing strategy in this article.

Make Visual Content That Is Engaging

Visual content is still king, and it’s a great way for brands to communicate more effectively. Mobile video usage has surged by approximately 10 million minutes each day in the last two years. The popularity of video streaming has also skyrocketed. To engage your audience, use visual content in your blogs and social media posts.

Here are some examples of graphic content that you could use:

  • Facebook and Instagram Live 
  • Images 
  • Videos
  • Memes
  • Info-graphics
  • Screenshots 
  • GIFs
  • Quotes

Join Online Communities and Groups

Increases traffic by joining Communities and Groups

Join groups and online networks that are relevant to your industry. This is about blogging naturally about your brand when it’s appropriate, rather than trying to sell something. Provide users with useful information that encourages them to interact with your brand and increases traffic to your website.

Targeting can help you maximize organic content

Importance of Targeting

There are several strategies to employ targeting when posting organically on social media sites to maximize your organic potential. It is possible to increase your reach naturally by altering your targeting on organic postings. Gender, age, location, interests, and language targeting can all be changed.

The concept is further explored in this video from Social Media Examiner. Mari Smith, a Facebook expert, offers tips on how to increase your organic reach.


The goal of organic marketing is to cultivate a loyal and genuine following. You may show off your personality and explain your genuine aims and ideals by producing relevant information and communicating with your members regularly. It’s more important than ever to have an organic internet marketing plan. You can fully leverage your marketing efforts by converting organic traffic into paying members using content optimization and organic techniques. Clickites is the best organic digital marketing agency.

2 thoughts on “What is Organic Marketing?”

  1. The blog is amazing! The content is explained well with reference to different perspectives and strategies of organic reach. I found this really helpful in knowing more about organic marketing and effective ways of doing so.

  2. Pingback: What are Backlinks? - Clickites

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