Website Development Blogs

Web frameworks work
Web Development
Prateek Agarwal

How do web frameworks work?

Websites, and applications, have become an integral part of any business in the existing world to create a strong online presence. In order to attract users, gain infinite leads, and build successful sales funnel one must focus on creating unique and intuitive websites, web applications, etc. Web frameworks come to your assistance to develop such

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How to learn wordpress for beginners?
Web Development
Prateek Agarwal

How to learn WordPress for Beginners

Are you also thinking to start blogging? Well then, you sure must have heard about WordPress for Beginners. With a spike in social media platforms and their usage getting more common day by day, people have come up with various methods and ideas to share their views with the world. From social media influencers to normal 9

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what is web hosting?
Web Development
Ashutosh Dhar Dwivedi

What is web hosting?

If you’re looking up “what is web hosting”, you’re probably looking for information on how to get started with your website. When it comes to getting your website up and running, web hosting is a must-have. This article will help you understand what web hosting is, why you need it, and how hosting companies may

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Responsive Website
Web Development
Ashutosh Dhar Dwivedi

How does a Responsive Website work?

These days, almost every new client wants a mobile version of their website. After all, one design for the BlackBerry, another for the iPhone, iPad, netbook, and Kindle — and all screen resolutions must be compatible — it’s nearly a must. We’ll probably need to design for a few more inventions in the next five

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